zettelkasten/OneNoteExport/Schnelle_Notizen/Neue Abschnittsgruppe/HOWTo's/29_Workflow send to With VS.md

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2023-08-17 19:32:37 +02:00
Workflow send to With VS
Donnerstag, 4. April 2019
**How to: Create a Workflow to send a file to the Records Center**
SharepointWorkflow2010 :
When submitting a document to a Records Center with the \"Send Document to Repository\" workflow action, there is a parameter called \"this destination router\".
Click the \"this destination router\" link and enter the full URL to your SharePoint Records Center, including the suffix of \_vti_bin/officialfile.asmx.
Aus \<<https://www.solwebsolutions.com/blog/entry/this-destination-router-in-send-document-to-repository-workflow-action>\>