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Links für Sharepoint
Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018
get-spsite \|foreach {\$\_ \|get-spweb}
get-spsite \|foreach {\$\_ \|get-spweb \|fl title}
Get-SPSite \|get-spweb \|foreach {\$\_.folders \|fl name , parentweb}
Caching des Windows Anmelde Tokens
This can be done by adding a so-called *Issuance Authorization Rule*.
- Open AD FS Management Center
- Expand *Trust Relationsships*
- Select *Relying Party Trusts*
- Right click the required trust
- Click *Edit Claim Rules*
- Goto the *Issuance Authorization Rules* tab
- Delete the default *Permit Access To All Users* rule
- Click *Add Rule*
- Select *Permit or Deny Users Based on an Incoming Claim*
- Incoming Claim Type, select *Group SID*
- Click *Browse* at *Incoming claim value*
- Select the required group
- You\'re done
**ADFS claim rules to filter group membership**
**Beginners Guide to Claims-based Authentication**
Erst bei der zweiten eingabe der Pin erreichbar
**Sharing a SharePoint site with AD Group using ADFS/SSO**
Workflow Manager installation offline :
**Stresstest mit Visual Studio:**
Kemp Load Balancer Links :
Mysite Konfigurieren
Viele Sharepointartikel :
Load Test Settings in VS 2019 :
Benutzer Definierte Kacheln :
(Invoke-WebRequest \"<https://portal.ralfkoop.de/sites/zuhause/SitePages/Startseite.aspx>\" -UseDefaultCredentials ).links \|where {\$\_.href -like \"\*file:/\*\"}
Iframe :
A Page from SharePoint 2013 (on premise) can be displayed in an iframe from a Page hosted on another domain, if the following control is added to the head of the master page:
\<WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=\"server\" /\>
However if this control is not added to the master-page, then we also get the above mentioned error
Aus \<<https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/140253/display-sharepoint-online-in-an-iframe-on-different-domain>\>
Solution for Sharepoint :
Hier muss generell eine Einstellung im IIS
Konfiguriert werden, und zwar X-FrameOrigin oder so
**Grundlagen ‚SharePoint-Webpart für Inhaltssuche**
Aus \<<https://sharepoint360.de/grundlagen-sharepoint-webpart-fuer-inhaltssuche-teil-1-uebersicht/>\>
Man kann dies auch direkt in der ASPX Seite machen die als Iframe angezeig soll :
asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=\"PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea\" runat=\"server\"\>
> \<SharePointWebControls:FieldValue ID=\"FieldValue2\" FieldName=\"Title\" runat=\"server\"/\>
> \<WebPartPages:AllowFraming runat=\"Server\" /\>
Sharepoint Zugriffanforderung :
Allow members to share the site and individual files and folders.
\$web.MembersCanShare = \$false
Allow members to invite others to the site members group
\$Group = \$web.SiteGroups\[\"Zuhause Members\"\]
\$Group.AllowMembersEditMembership = \$false
\$Group.Update() #Eventuell noch
| Allow access requests |
| Send all requests for access to the following e-mail address: |
Wenn dies aktiviert ist, kann man einfach die Email leer machen, dann ist es automatisch deaktiviert.
\$web.RequestAccessEmail =\"\"
RequestAccessEmail :
RequestAccessEnabled : False
Ich will aber noch prüfen wie man das generell erlaubt, dies soll über die Masterpage gehen, aber Sicherheit beachten!!!
Video presentations about SharePoint hybrid include [channel9.msdn.com/Events/SharePoint-Conference/2014/SPC339](http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/SharePoint-Conference/2014/SPC339) and [channel9.msdn.com/Events/SharePoint-Conference/2014/SPC320](http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/SharePoint-Conference/2014/SPC320).
Aus \<<https://www.directionsonmicrosoft.com/research/2014/09/integrating-sharepoint-online-and-premises>\>
/\_layouts/15/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=\<Document ID\>
Aus \<<https://joannecklein.com/2018/11/16/sharepoint-online-and-document-id-the-goods/>\>
\[16.07.2020 10:38\] Andreas Maiwald:
infopath 2013 Regel für and und or erklärt
infopath2013 mehr als 5 Bedingungen pro Regel
**Konto Berechtigungen und Sicherheitseinstellungen in SharePoint-Servern**