Fehler aus dem Monitoring Mittwoch, 5. April 2017 14:19   Ticket: IM1496698   HealthSet: IMAP HealthGroup: CustomerTouchPoints State: NotApplicable AlertValue: Unhealthy     ![C:\\312B0A45\\9EB52A79-8FC2-4BC3-9C1A-B2E4597714A1-Dateien\\image001.png](media/image1.png){width="8.020833333333334in" height="0.3958333333333333in"}   Die Proben laufen immer wieder in einen Fehler. Um den Fehler zu bereinigen muss der Dienst \"Microsoft Exchange Health Manager\" neu gestartet werden.   Lösung: Restart-Service \"Microsoft Exchange Health Manager\"     Ticket: IM1523536   HealthSet: ECP Unhealthy HealthSet: ECP HealthGroup: CustomerTouchPoints State: NotApplicable AlertValue: Unhealthy   ![Computergenerierter Alternativtext: General Details Exchange Admin Center logon is failing on Mailbox Server FLVAGMXPOIA. Availabillty has dropped to 4REPLACE_PERCENT SIGN. You can find protocol Ievel traces for the failures on D:XProgram FilesXMicrosoftXExchange Serverlvl 51Logging IMonitoringXECPXEacBackEndLogonProbe. Incident stat time: 5/17/2017 ICE\": 17 AM Last failed result Failing Component - Owa Failure Reason - OwaErrorPage Exception: System.RefIection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. \--0 System.RefIection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. \--0 System.RefIection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. - Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebCIient.ScenarioException: Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebCIient.ScenarioException: Failure source: Ecp Failure reason: OwaErrorPage Failing component:Owa hinr: Log Name: Source: Event ID: Level: OpCode: More Information: Microsoft- Exchange- ManagedAvaiIabiIity/Monitoring ManagedAvaiIabiIiby Error SYSTEM Event Log Online Help Logged: 5/31/2017 1:5846 PM Task Categoy. Monitoring Kemords: Computer. FLVAGMXPOIA.FLGRUPPE.COM ](media/image2.png){width="10.958333333333334in" height="5.4375in"}   Diese Probe läuft im Exchange 2016 CU4 auf den o. g. Fehler (Failure source: Ecp;Failure reason:OwaErrorPage; Failing component:Owa;Exception hint:OwaErrorPage:OwaInvalidUserLanguageException)   Lösung: Man soll für die Monitoring Postfächer die Spracheinstellungen setzen und danach den Dienst \"Microsoft Exchange Health Manager\" neu starten   get-mailbox -monitoring -server \ \| Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -language en-US -TimeZone \"Eastern Standard Time\"   Restart-Service \"Microsoft Exchange Health Manager\"         Ticket: IM1523536   HealthSet: MaintenanceFailureMonitor.ShadowService HealthSet: Shadow Service HealthGroup: ServiceComponents State: NotApplicable AlertValue: Unhealthy   ![Computergenerierter Alternativtext: General Details Maintenance workitem \"ShadowService.Maintenance.Workitem\" (ID: 147) has failed. Health Manager has detected it is either set to run once and failed, or has been failing consistently. Maintenance workitem failure could cause monitoring gap and should be investigated. The error message from the last result is: System.IO.FiIeNotFoundException: Could not Ioad file or assembly \'Microsoft.ExchangeShadow.Common, Version:, Culture:neutral, PublicKeyTokenz 31 bf38S6ad364e35\' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: \'Microsoft.Exchange.Shadow.Common, Version:, Culture:neutral, PublicKeyTokenz31 at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoringShadowServiceShadowServiceDiscovery.DoWork(CanceIIationToken cancelIationToken) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteO End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at System.Runtime.CompiIerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompiIerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandIeNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at f.MoveNextO Log Name: Source: Event ID: Level: OpCode: Microsoft- Exchange- ManagedAvaiIabiIity/Monitoring ManagedAvaiIabiIiby Error SYSTEM Info Logged: 6/12/201781415AM Task Categoy. Monitoring rds: Computer. FLVAGMXPOIA.FLGRUPPE.COM ](media/image3.png){width="12.197916666666666in" height="4.583333333333333in"}   Diese Probe läuft im Exchange 2016 CU4 auf den o. g. Fehler ( The error message from the last result is: **System.IO.FileNotFoundException**: Could not load file or assembly \'Microsoft.Exchange.Shadow.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.)   Er findet die genannte Datei nicht.   Lösung:   Aktuell lässt sich dieser Fehler nur durch einen Monitoring Override deaktiveren, aber vll. ist es ja in einer kommenden Version behoben.   1. Aktuelle Version herausfinden\ > Get-ExchangeServer \| ft name,admindisplayversion   2. Add-ServerMonitoringOverride -ItemType Monitor -id \"ShadowService\\MaintenanceFailureMonitor.ShadowService\" -PropertyValue 0 -PropertyName Enabled -Server FLVAGMXP01A -ApplyVersion 15.1.669.32   1. Restart-Service \"Microsoft Exchange Health Manager\"