SecondBrain/Ralf @ Ralf Koop/Schnelle Notizen/
Ralf Koop e138992abe .
2022-12-21 12:30:21 +01:00

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Samstag, 23. Juni 2018



Folgende Punkte sollten in einer Sharepoint installation geprüft werden :


SQL Server :


Setting an appropriate Maximum Memory value for SQL Server is important to reserve memory for

the operating system and any ancillary programs running on the SQL Server. This will help prevent paging

of either SQL Server memory or other process memory to disk, which may reduce overall SQL Server




The first step is to measure the potential performance of SQL Server is the disk I/O subsystem. Microsoft

has created a tool, Diskspd, to measure disk performance. This tool will provide valuable data in terms of

the number of IOPS the disk subsystem is capable of supporting. Note that testing write performance

(the DiskSpd -w switch) will cause data loss. Only test write performance on a disk with no data.



■ Note Diskspd is available from Microsoft on the TechNet Gallery. h ttps://








Sharepoint Performencetest :

The SharePoint Load Generation Tool is an add-in for Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate and Visual Studio

2015 Enterprise that performs the following tests:

• CSOM List Read and Write load test

• MySite Read and Write load test

• MySiteHost Read and Write load test

The SharePoint Load Generation Tool also has additional options for authentication and number of

servers to test, and automatically records pertinent performance counters for review post-test.


■ Note ` The SharePoint Load Generation Tool is available on the Visual Studio Gallery.

h ttps://



Video :