zettelkasten/OneNoteExport/Technik/Outlook/05_Seite 5.md
2023-08-17 19:32:37 +02:00

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Seite 5

Freitag, 15. Januar 2016



Computergenerierter Alternativtext: Typically this error will resemble something like " The name could not be resolved. The name could not be matched to a name in the address list ." Determine if the client is connecting to a GC or CAS in one of two ways:hold the Ctrl Key then "right click" the Outlook Icon on the Task Bar and choose Connection Status; and/or look at the Type Directory and look at the server Name. Capture a trace from the client to see which GC/CAS we are trying to connect to. If it is a GC, several things on the GC should be checked using DCDiag, NetDiag. If it is a CAS, RPCDump can also show if F5CC (NT Directory NSPI) is listening Also Verify the user is showing in the GAL and not hidden. Verify Kerberos is working. 2.4 -- Troubleshooting Kerberos Netmon will show most Kerberos errors. Testing with NTLM in the Outlook profile under the "Security Tab" is also a good option to eliminate Kerberos issues.If Kerberos fails but NTLM auth works, Verify SPNs using SetSPN tool. setspn -L ExchangeServerName SPNs should be registered as follows on Exchange Server: http/ For Exchange Web Services and the Autodiscover service exchangeMDB/ For RPC Client Access exchangeRFR/ For the Address Book service exchangeAB/ For the Address Book service Note: Load Balancers require the Alternative Service Account and SPN registered to the Load balancer FQDN instead of the individual server names. Note: SPNs could be registered as follows pointing to GCs on Exchange2003/ 2007 servers, this should not be done on Exchange 2010: exchangeAB/\<GlobalCatalogServerName\> Once SPNs are verified, I recommend this whitepaper: Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 2.5 - Troubleshooting Networking Issues Capture concurrent Netmon from client and server(s) affected. Look for RPC Fault, dropped packets, TCP retransmit. Devices can cause several connection issues. For example: context 0x0 status 0x1C00001A errors are typically a device issue, as outlined in this MSDN article . Don't forget Chimney/TCP Offloading can cause connectivity failures. Check NIC drivers, these need to be up to date. Firewall between client and servers. It's necessary to insure all listed ports open for Exchange 2010 . Check out the List of Extended MAPI numeric result codes in this KB article . 2.6 - Troubleshooting Connection to the Store This error will typically show up as " Unable to open your default mail folders. The information store could not be Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange: Outlook Connectivity Issues -\... http://blogs.technet.com/b/mspfe/archive/2011/04/12/troubleshooti\... 5 von 1115.01.2016 19:44 {width="8.333333333333334in" height="11.75in"}